Silk and Shadow Boxes - 16" X 20"

Blue Universe1384Blue Universe - Hand-dyed silk, beads, shell

Orion Nebula_0982Orion Nebula - Treated hand-dyed and painted silk, chopsticks, shells

Free FlowFree-Flow - Hand-dyed silks, satin, shell

IMG_3985.jpgIndigo& OIndigo and Orange - Hand-dyed silks, wooden slats, shell

Neon RingsNeon Rings - Hand-dyed silk, fabric, plastic, pin, shells

BeachesFin_1169 copyBeaches - Heat-treated, hand-dyed silk, satin, shells, beads, sticks

IMG_4435.jpgFriend DrFriendly Dragon - Hand-dyed silks, satin, feathers, chopsticks, cord

pink fl0546cropPink flower - Hand-dyed silk, organza, satin, shells, beads